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Fighting for the FA
Oct 19, 20233 min read
No accountability
I want to start this blog post of by saying a huge thank you to all those who shared my last post, especially those who tagged HMP...
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Fighting for the FA
Oct 11, 20232 min read
Attempted murder, neglect courtesy of the state.
I hate the powers that be for allowing, encouraging, and rewarding people for lying with ever fiber of my being. I hate the fact that, in...
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Fighting for the FA
Oct 8, 20233 min read
Duty of care????
I am writing this as an update on what happens when the justice system knowingly gets it wrong, without any evidence, just who the jury...
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Fighting for the FA
Sep 27, 20232 min read
The End
Sorry for the delay with this post, but the last few days have been a rollercoaster ride which Alton towers would be proud of. On Friday...
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Fighting for the FA
Sep 22, 20232 min read
Downs and ups
Well the theme of the week continued this morning, we arrived at the court just before 10, queued up for 15 minutes waiting to be...
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Fighting for the FA
Sep 21, 20232 min read
But why?
Right so what can I say about today, the good news is the electrics seemed to be working, and we didn't have an evacuation notice, so I'm...
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Fighting for the FA
Sep 20, 20231 min read
Day 3
Day 3, which is actually like day 1, as we have had to swear a new jury in, after yesterday's chaos, of therapists being needed to just...
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Fighting for the FA
Sep 19, 20234 min read
Here we go again
So here I am back at my favourite place, Liverpool crown court, for what should be day 2 of trial number 3. However yesterday was...
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